From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Appraisal of the Two Legal Bases on Health, AIDS and Population

The overall objective of this evaluation will be to improve the design and the impact of the thematic budget lines related to Health, Aids and Population through the strengthening the European Commission's (EC) ability to draw on lessons learnt of past and ongoing interventions for future planning and programming exercises.

The specific objectives of the evaluation are:
• To explore to which extent the objectives and means set out in these two regulations (1567/2003 & 1568/2003) have been met; and
• To draw up lessons learned which may feed the current debate on future EC external aid policy.


Burkina Faso
United Kingdom


Partnerships and Financing for Development

Duration of assignment

January 2006 / August 2006


European Commission

Funded by

European Commission

Other Projects Of Kenya

Other Projects Of Partnerships and Financing for Development