Formulation and Feasibility Study for the Non-State Actors Support programme (NSASP II) for the 10th EDF
The feasibility study provided an analysis of various options and possible strategies that the Non-State Actors Support Programme (NSASP II) has available for the support to the Non-State Actors (NSAs).
The specific objective of the feasibility study was the identification and formulation of a methodology for strategic intervention to a new support programme for NSA, taking into account the specificity of the Angola NSA (based, in particular in the lessons learned from the process of supporting and mapping results of previous NSA) and the strategic positioning of this programme in Angola-EU strategic partnership to capitalize on the support of the NSA sense of active participation in the governance process at local and central levels.
It also aims to:
• Strengthen and build on the capacity of NSAs in their various roles;
• Improve access to information and communication channels between the NSA;
• Strengthen social dialogue between the political and NSA and the authorities at central and local citizenship.