Advice in four selected areas to the Turkish Statistics Institute
The project considers the production of comparable data compliant with EU regulations, in four different areas:
A) Dissemination
- Design of a data dissemination strategy and model for online data dissemination to allow users to reach the information effectively in an easy way.
- Development of a systematic approach to the duties of SIS personnel in office automation with the aim of significant improvements in information processing capabilities.
B) Business Census
- Evaluation and finalization of draft questionnaire which has been improved and revised by SIS.
C) Farm Prices
- Design and application of questionnaire forms that will enable the collection of data to calculate farm price indices and review the method about calculation of the indices.
D) National Accounts
- To clarify calculation on financial intermediation services indirectly measured (FISIM);
- To clarify calculation on output of insurance services;
- To evaluate seasonally adjusted series.