From Experience to Intelligence
From Experience to Intelligence

Baseline Data Collection for the Frutas and Legumes

The project is part of the International Finance Corporation's (IFC) investment in the company Frutas & Legumes Guiné Bissau SARL (F&L) with the overarching goal of promoting poverty escape and improved livelihoods through engagement in economic activites. F&L is Guinea Bissau’s first “organic” or “bio” certified cashew and fruits (mangoes) producer and exporter, since its establishment in 2014.

The IFC investment is allocated to three complementary components:

  • Component 1: Strenghtening farmers’ capacity.
  • Component 2: Accompany the Company’s extension and diversification project.
  • Component 3: Impact Assessment and sharing knowledge.




Rural Development

Duration of assignment

September 2017 / June 2018


International Finance Corporation

Funded by

International Finance Corporation
World Bank

Other Projects Of Guinea-Bissau

Other Projects Of Rural Development