It is with great sadness and regret that on behalf of myself and the Board of Directors of CESO, we inform that Dr. Acácio Catarino has passed away.
Great Friend and unique personality in current times.
Humanist, Social Scientist who leaves a valuable legacy in all the activities in which he participated, whether in civil society or in the Catholic Church, or in the conception and implementation of the National Policy for Employment and Local Development: the Labor Development Fund, in the National Employment Service, or in the Directorate General for Employment Promotion, to the IEFP, of which he was President and one of its main promoters.
In social intervention, stands out the Presidency of Caritas Portuguesa, which greatly stimulated the dissemination of the Church's Social Doctrine, active participation in the elaboration of Social Pastorals, in the elaboration of important social policy measures (National Minimum Wage, Minimum Insertion Income Unemployment Benefit...).
Acácio Catarino is a great example for all of us as a Humanist, Social Political Scientist and authentic Catholic.
He has always been a member of CESO's Advisory Bodies where he left deep marks for his knowledge, wisdom and creative and innovative spirit.
Our Eternal Thanks.
May He Rest in Peace and Tranquility in the Lord's House.
Américo Ramos dos Santos
September 2021