Mundo Crítico, a new Portuguese magazine focused in Cooperation and Development, promoted by ACEP and CEsA Centro de Estudos sobre África, Ásia e América Latina, has just released a second edition. The main challenge and concern is to reflect and discuss about what is "new" in "innovation and development", allowing the crossing of different practices, experiences and perspectives focused on international cooperation for development.
"Imperfect Conversations" and creativity and innovation, while "doing things differently and more efficiently" was the motto for the conversation between Rui Santos, Vice-president of CESO and José Brito, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cape Verde who is currently promoting initiatives around innovation in Africa.
"Imperfect Conversations" continued last July 12, at ZDB Gallery, in Lisbon. Ana Paula Fernandes, director of the OECD Innovation Unit and the journalist Cândida Pinto also participated in the conversation.
See here the new number (2) of Mundo Crítico
June 2018