With a budget of 19 million euros, PROCULTURA has allowed the development of the cultural and creative economy in the PALOP countries and Timor-Leste. During the next few months, CESO will make its contribution through technical assistance to the project.
Investing in culture is investing in education, social responsibility, national identity, and the economy. It is also getting to know more about each country and the trajectory that makes them what they are today.
It is in this context that PROCULTURA is inserted, a project that will develop, during the next months, 12 technical and professional training courses in the area of culture in the PALOP (African Countries of Portuguese Official Language) and East Timor, with the support of the technical assistance provided by CESO.
In addition to these courses, this technical assistance will also consolidate the project's monitoring and evaluation system and provide technical support, training, and mentoring to PROCULTURA-funded projects in the areas of music, performing arts, and children's and youth literature.
The start of the work took place on January 9, 2023, at a meeting attended by the Camões - Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua, I.P. / PROCULTURA team, the management team, and key experts from CESO's technical assistance team, as well as representatives from the non-governmental development organization ACEP (Association for Cooperation Among Peoples), which is responsible for some support activities to the ongoing projects.
PROCULTURA is an action of the Multiannual Indicative Programme PALOP-Timor-Leste and European Union, financed by the European Union, co-financed and managed by Camões, I.P. and co-financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. It aims to contribute to job creation in income-generating activities in the cultural and creative economy in the PALOP and Timor-Leste, with a budget of 19 million euros.
January 22th, 2023