Last June 22nd, the European Union Representative, the Palestinian Prime Minister, and representatives of several European Financial Institutions met for the second time in a high-level format to discuss cooperation in investment.
The EU-Palestinian Investment Platform has been established by the EU and the Palestinian Authority to foster policy dialogue on investment and to help better identify, prioritize, coordinate, and promote the investment opportunities that the EU External Investment Plan offers in Palestine. On the side-lines of the meeting, the European Investment Bank has signed a package of seven agreements amounting to a total sum of USD 425 million in debt and risk-sharing instruments for the benefit of the Palestinian private sector.
This initiative is part of the overall Team Europe initiative, which aims to support sustainable social and economic recovery from the Covid-19 crisis in partner countries. In light of the Platform for the Implementation of the European Union’s External Investment Plan in Palestine, CESO was part of the team that had the opportunity to participate in the organization of the event and witness an unprecedented coordinated effort between the EU and the EIB.
Know more about this Event here
Since the beginning of this year and until July 2022, CESO is carrying out the Technical Assistance Platform for the implementation of the EU External Investment Plan in Palestine. The aim of this project is to support the roll-out of the EU External Investment Plan (EIP) by fostering Policy Dialogues with the Palestinian authorities and relevant stakeholders to better identify, prioritise, coordinate and promote investment and financing opportunities that EIP offers through its instruments in order to attract private and foreign investment.
July 2021