Inform policy development leading to increased global competitiveness, is the main purpose of the Develop Multi-Factor Productivity Indicators project. It aims to present a measurement of national productivity based on the web, considering different areas, such as labor, capital, profitability, technology, creativity, innovation and energy, contributing to inform the development of policies aimed at increasing global competitiveness, training and education.
Within the framework of the activities foreseen by the project, will be established a comprehensive list of key strategic stakeholders able to contribute for the development of new tools / indicators; consultations are planned to assess existing information gaps.
Particular attention will be given to information and communication technologies; the development of a website will enable data collection, analysis and dissemination, while contributing to the awareness and training of stakeholders that may support the implementation and maintenance of the mentioned website.
In terms of capacity building, among the various activities planned, the project will provide a workshop for trainers and the development of training manuals for those who participate in the agency responsible for their implementation.
Funded by the Europena Commission and with a duration of 8 months, the project is being implemented by a consortium between AESA and CESO.
September 2017.