Under the Framework Contract Lot 9, CESO is participating in the definition of the EC “Support to Employment Creation” projet in Mongolia (SECIM Project).
In Mongolia, during the last decade, the economic growth has resulted largely from the provision of the mining sector. However, a process of economic and social transition is still undergoing, particularly in rural areas, presenting high levels of poverty and wide disparities in terms of opportunities, pointed with high and persistent levels of unemployment and also by local migrations, which, as a whole, constitutes obstacles to national development.
Funded by the European Union, the SECIM project aims to promote job creation, particularly for the most vulnerable, support inclusive and sustainable development through promotion of quality employment focusing on the non-mining sector, through targeted interventions to consolidate specific value chains where Mongolia has potential comparative advantages. Among the main results, it is expected that it will contribute to strengthen overall policy framework for job creation and to improve labour market institutions and policies.
This project definition stage will aim at determining how the project would best support the Employment Policy Implementation and Coordination Department (EPICD) of the Ministry of Labour (MoL) with regards to the implementation of the National Employment Policy (NEP), and drafting the Terms of References for the related Technical Assistance for the project implementation.
The project has an implementation period of 5 months.
To know more about this project, click here
March 2015.