In Mozambique, the "Gender Equality Analysis in Agro-Invest" project focuses on policies and practices in use in the decision-making process concerning the measures adopted for the backing of the Office and Consultancy support for Small Industries, Investment Company (GAPI, SI).
The project falls within the context of the Growth and Employment Programme. Funded by DANIDA, it was implemented by the GAPI, SI in the period between 2010/15 and considered the creation of conditions for the financing of Small and Medium Enterprises.
In the framework of the program, among the various aspects enshrined, we highlight the Agro-Invest component where different areas of intervention for the development of agribusiness are predicted. It is there considered, on the one hand, the promotion of entrepreneurship (small-scale farmers, associations, cooperatives and small and medium-sized enterprises) through agricultural value chains and, on the other hand, the strengthening of business management capacity through support to small-scale farmers - which represents about 70% of rural women - in order to contribute for a more effective participation of these in the market economy.
The project "Gender Equality Analysis in Agro-Invest" will analyze and present clarifications concerning policies and practices carried out under the operations related to gender equality to promote equal access of women and men in supporting the development through, in particular, the monitoring of the selection procedure of beneficiaries of loans and credits granted by GAPI and, also, by considering the entire decision chain involved, from the allocation of funds to the evaluation of results.
In this context, the project may present recommendations and propose appropriate instruments for interventions aimed at strengthening support for women entrepreneurs that may lead to the change of procedures or attitudes.
Implemented by CESO, the project is funded by DANIDA, the International Agency for Development Cooperation of Denmark. The expected duration is about one year.
September 2016.