Expanding shipping in 40-foot containers: saving time, money and boosting trade.
The European Union (EU) and the Palestinian Authority (PA) have announced a new measure to facilitate trade at the border with Jordan, the result of facilitated dialogue between the parties and Israeli authorities. On August 1, 2022, shipping of large 40-foot containers will start at the Allenby / King Hussein Bridge / Al Karameh for the first time.
The news comes as a new joint measure to help expand Palestinian trade and improve overall economic conditions for Palestinians.
The measure helps build confidence, improve shipping, boost Palestinian trade and its economy. The introduction of large container shipping represents a next step towards true containerisation of trade. The measure builds on a previous pilot which allowed smaller 20ft containers to be shipped, in its new form it will lead to further time and cost savings for Palestinian businesses and a further expansion of trade at the border with Jordan.
In the light of the trade component of the Platform for the Implementation of the European Union External Investment Plan in Palestine, CESO has followed the discussions of the agreement and was involved in the development of the factsheet of this pilot initiative.
To access the factsheet of the initiative and more information, please follow the link: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/delegations/palestine-occupied-palestinian-territory-west-bank-and-gaza-strip/pilot-initiative_en
Since January 2021, CESO is providing Techincal Assistance to the Platform for the Roll-Out of the EU External Investment plan in Palestine, a project that aims to improve the understanding of Palestinian investment and the financial and trade markets, by improving the identification, prioritization and coordination of interventions. For such, it aims to foster a political dialogue with relevant stakeholders, and promote greater awareness of the financing opportunities that the External Investment Plan may offer to the general public, the private sector, public authorities and the international community.
Know more about this project here
August 10th, 2022